[SGF 2024] “Throne and Liberty” Hands-On

MMO players have known about Throne and Liberty for a while, the long awaited follow-up in the Lineage series but later rebranded and developed by NCSOFT, but other than that — everything has been mum. Well, after Summer Game Fest, the cat’s been let out of the bag now.

Published by Amazon Games, Throne and Liberty was the second head of their two-headed monster that also featured New World: Aeternum at their booth. Much like Aeternum before it, Throne and Liberty looks to blur the line with MMORPGs by bringing a made-for-console offering to players, and what we played was both solid and enjoyable.

We took part in a well-structured, guided demo where a bunch of other creators and members of the media played in the same session. First, we went through the character creation, and the customization options were pretty exhaustive. It was so intricate, I ended up just randomizing my character until I was happy with a classy Amazonian-looking female with fierce paint. (I may or may not have intended the Amazonian pun).

From here, it was to the hub castle town to get a handle on the game’s controls. At first glance, the game plays like your traditional third-person action game. I spent a lot of time running around and jumping, followed by using L3 (I played on an Xbox pad) to morph into a wolf for faster traversal. Our character also had a grappling hook to leap onto ledges quickly.

We’re talkin’ ’bout practice!

As we messed around with that, we approached training dummies to try out the combat. On the bottom-right corner of the screen, you can see the abilities tied to your face buttons when holding either the right trigger or right bumper–all of which can be switched to different abilities when loading up the menu. The Y button also cycles through more spells and abilities you can use in combat.

The main drawback with each of these abilities is the fact that each one has a cool down time once you use them, so you can’t spam any of the abilities. A common strategy would be to use them all up, and then use Y to cycle through other spells that you can use to wreak all the havoc you want in addition to just being strategic on when to use each maneuver.

Eventually, it was time to work with the group to tackle a dungeon in the game. While it was guided, getting through it was simple enough. We just made our way through what was a linear map ridding the area of any enemies we saw. To add some variety to the traversal, it was necessary to morph into an eagle or otter to handle long drops or to get through water before getting involved with more combat action.

This was lather, rinse, repeat until we came to campfires that we were told would not only be a place to heal up and refresh our energy meters, but would also be a place to respawn should any of our characters meet their demise. In just a moment after that, we were pit against the area’s boss, the Beast of Chaos King Chimaerus. The group made easy work of the beast thanks to our varied attack styles, but the pattern in which the boss would attack definitely had its interesting points. In addition to just lariat slashes, the Beast of Chaos had this leaping ability that was trouble if we didn’t retreat up the nearby chains to avoid certain death.

Upon beating this enemy, and collecting the spoils left by the boss, the demo ended.

That was a satisfying kill.

This kind of game typically isn’t my cup of tea, despite being an RPG guy. That being said, I had a lot of fun with the demo and really didn’t struggle through it. If I had a squad, which I don’t, I’d definitely seeing myself giving this game a fair shot, but we’ll have to see.

Throne and Liberty is currently planned to launch on September 17, 2024 for the PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. The game fully supports cross-play and an Open Beta for the game will be available from July 18 to July 23. People interested in taking part can check here for more information.

Throne and Liberty
PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S
Amazon Games
Release Date:
September 17, 2024

MMO players have known about Throne and Liberty for a while, the long awaited follow-up in the Lineage series but later rebranded and developed by NCSOFT, but other than that — everything has been mum. Well, after Summer Game Fest,…

MMO players have known about Throne and Liberty for a while, the long awaited follow-up in the Lineage series but later rebranded and developed by NCSOFT, but other than that — everything has been mum. Well, after Summer Game Fest, the cat’s been let out of the bag now.

Published by Amazon Games, Throne and Liberty was the second head of their two-headed monster that also featured New World: Aeternum at their booth. Much like Aeternum before it, Throne and Liberty looks to blur the line with MMORPGs by bringing a made-for-console offering to players, and what we played was both solid and enjoyable.

We took part in a well-structured, guided demo where a bunch of other creators and members of the media played in the same session. First, we went through the character creation, and the customization options were pretty exhaustive. It was so intricate, I ended up just randomizing my character until I was happy with a classy Amazonian-looking female with fierce paint. (I may or may not have intended the Amazonian pun).

From here, it was to the hub castle town to get a handle on the game’s controls. At first glance, the game plays like your traditional third-person action game. I spent a lot of time running around and jumping, followed by using L3 (I played on an Xbox pad) to morph into a wolf for faster traversal. Our character also had a grappling hook to leap onto ledges quickly.

We’re talkin’ ’bout practice!

As we messed around with that, we approached training dummies to try out the combat. On the bottom-right corner of the screen, you can see the abilities tied to your face buttons when holding either the right trigger or right bumper–all of which can be switched to different abilities when loading up the menu. The Y button also cycles through more spells and abilities you can use in combat.

The main drawback with each of these abilities is the fact that each one has a cool down time once you use them, so you can’t spam any of the abilities. A common strategy would be to use them all up, and then use Y to cycle through other spells that you can use to wreak all the havoc you want in addition to just being strategic on when to use each maneuver.

Eventually, it was time to work with the group to tackle a dungeon in the game. While it was guided, getting through it was simple enough. We just made our way through what was a linear map ridding the area of any enemies we saw. To add some variety to the traversal, it was necessary to morph into an eagle or otter to handle long drops or to get through water before getting involved with more combat action.

This was lather, rinse, repeat until we came to campfires that we were told would not only be a place to heal up and refresh our energy meters, but would also be a place to respawn should any of our characters meet their demise. In just a moment after that, we were pit against the area’s boss, the Beast of Chaos King Chimaerus. The group made easy work of the beast thanks to our varied attack styles, but the pattern in which the boss would attack definitely had its interesting points. In addition to just lariat slashes, the Beast of Chaos had this leaping ability that was trouble if we didn’t retreat up the nearby chains to avoid certain death.

Upon beating this enemy, and collecting the spoils left by the boss, the demo ended.

That was a satisfying kill.

This kind of game typically isn’t my cup of tea, despite being an RPG guy. That being said, I had a lot of fun with the demo and really didn’t struggle through it. If I had a squad, which I don’t, I’d definitely seeing myself giving this game a fair shot, but we’ll have to see.

Throne and Liberty is currently planned to launch on September 17, 2024 for the PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. The game fully supports cross-play and an Open Beta for the game will be available from July 18 to July 23. People interested in taking part can check here for more information.

Date published: 06/18/2024
/ 5 stars