The announcement of Dragon Ball FighterZ at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference was one that came out of nowhere, but I don’t think anybody realizes how big this title is going to be.
The Xbox One version of the game was in playable form at Namco and Microsoft’s booth, and while the directors at Arc System Works say the game is only 20% developed, I couldn’t help but feel impressed with the game so far.
The demo featured Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Innocent Buu, and gameplay was limited to three-on-three battles.
Don’t let the amount fool you, matches are extremely quick and they’re nothing like the long and drawn out battles that people might be used to in Budokai and Xenoverse. While the movesets were pasted below our screens, there wasn’t much time to put in any practice at all.
There was no intention of button-mashing, that’s essentially what I ended up doing when things got a little crazy with my opponent, who also had no idea how to play the game, which gave me an opening to take advantage of. Eventually, I ended up winning in a fighting game at a trade event for the first time in my life.
Self-gloating aside, the game felt pretty smooth using an Xbox One controller. Simple strikes and combos can be executed with the face buttons, while the left and right triggers are put together using the left and right trigger. The left bumper was use for assists, and when holding left bumper, you can tag another of your Z-Warriors in.
I must say that even though it’s extremely early in its development process, I can’t help but feel excited for Dragon Ball FighterZ, and I’m sure others are as well.
The game is slated for a 2018 release.
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Bandai Namco
Arc System Works
Release Date:
ESRB Rating:
[E3 2017] “Dragon Ball FighterZ” Hands-On
The announcement of Dragon Ball FighterZ at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference was one that came out of nowhere, but I don’t think anybody realizes how big this title is going to be. The Xbox One version of the game was…

The announcement of Dragon Ball FighterZ at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference was one that came out of nowhere, but I don’t think anybody realizes how big this title is going to be.
The Xbox One version of the game was in playable form at Namco and Microsoft’s booth, and while the directors at Arc System Works say the game is only 20% developed, I couldn’t help but feel impressed with the game so far.
The demo featured Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Innocent Buu, and gameplay was limited to three-on-three battles.
Don’t let the amount fool you, matches are extremely quick and they’re nothing like the long and drawn out battles that people might be used to in Budokai and Xenoverse. While the movesets were pasted below our screens, there wasn’t much time to put in any practice at all.
There was no intention of button-mashing, that’s essentially what I ended up doing when things got a little crazy with my opponent, who also had no idea how to play the game, which gave me an opening to take advantage of. Eventually, I ended up winning in a fighting game at a trade event for the first time in my life.
Self-gloating aside, the game felt pretty smooth using an Xbox One controller. Simple strikes and combos can be executed with the face buttons, while the left and right triggers are put together using the left and right trigger. The left bumper was use for assists, and when holding left bumper, you can tag another of your Z-Warriors in.
I must say that even though it’s extremely early in its development process, I can’t help but feel excited for Dragon Ball FighterZ, and I’m sure others are as well.
The game is slated for a 2018 release.
Written by: Danreb Victorio
Date published: 06/15/2017
/ 5 stars