Fil, Pat, and Brandon have a lot to say this week, starting with Konami’s deplorable behavior towards Hideo Kojima. Plus a look at the announcements from this year’s PlayStation Experience!
12/6/2015 Show Notes
- Intro
- What Are We Playing?
- P: Trails in the Sky SC, Final Fantasy VII, sizing up my final black friday haul…
- B: Take a wild friggin’ guess.
- F: Shadow Complex Remastered, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, bit of Final Fantasy VII
- Shadow Complex Remastered coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC
- Available for free on PC until Dec 31st.
- Starting December 18, you will have two more weeks to buy Shadow Jago for KI
- Street Fighter V Winter Beta to run December 17-20
- Kombat Pack 2 detailed: Bo’Rai Cho, Alien Baraka, “Triborg”, Leatherface
- Shaq Fu is returning. Oh joy.
- “This time we won’t fu it up.”
- P: The more I read about this game, the more promising it actually seems.
- Trails of Cold Steel coming Dec 22
- FFXV developer Kitade gives us a progress report
- First half of the game “basically done”, game can be played from start to finish
- Tecmo Koei: Our spokesman was correct, but let’s emphasize his tactlessness instead.
- Wii U gamepads go on sale in Japan
- Report: Nintendo orders 20 million NX units manufactured in 2016
- PS2 emulator for PS4 not meant to address BC, but the future of “HD Remastered” line
- Sony Unlocking 7th CPU Core for Gaming on PS4
- PSX Recap
- FFVII Remake
- Day of the Tentacle
- Full Throttle
- Brut@l
- Ni-Oh
- The King of Fighters XIV
- Last Blade 2
- Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
- Yakuza 5 and 0
- Sega used Atlus to cover up the release details of 0.
- PlayStation VR
- !Discs of Tron demo
- Ace Combat 7
- Rez Infinite
- 100 Foot Robot Golf
- Eagle Flight
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