On this episode of Let’s Weekend: Net Neutrality isn’t dead, but it certainly doesn’t look good. A brave North Korean soldier bolts for the south. Oh, and a giant space rock is headed our way.
11/25/2017 – Let’s Black Friday!
- Intro
- What Are We Up To?
- F: Oathbringer, Artemis.
- P: Minor Black Fridaying, KOF Destiny actually isn’t bad. Mahvel. GotY prep.
- B: Stardew Valley (I finally get it now), Alfred Bester, Thanksgiving recovery.
- Black Friday Hauls
- Brandon’s Random Factoid
- Asshole of the Week: FCC Chairman Ajit Pai
- #SaveNetNeutrality
- B: Ajit Pai is now basically a dead man walking.
- Hero of the Week: NK soldier made daring escape to SK after being shot six times
- Good riddance, Charles Manson
- RIP Malcolm Young
- Anti-LGBT OK State Sen. pleads guilty on child sex trafficking
- Chris’ Black Friday Haul.
- Rurouni Kenshin creator is busted for child porn.
- Pentagon reports increase in misbehavior, harassment, assault
- P: This is only an increase in reports, bad behavior’s been the norm forever.
- Russia suspected as source of 1000x normal radiation cloud that’s all over Europe
- Uber was hacked back in October 2016, but paid hackers to keep it under wraps
- Peter Thiel wants to buy Gawker.com
- Weird Al renews trademark on name after Fox News uses it for Al Franken stories
- Montreal media may have instigated departure of Canadiens’ best goalie since Roy
- Australian catholic school’s new statue is now being redesigned for obvious reasons
- Cards Against Humanity’s new Black Friday “prank” is Prongles
- Weather Channel had a great shot of Georgia Dome’s implosion, but a bus ruined it
- NASA discovered first interstellar visitor from another star, an odd-looking asteroid
- B: It’s a gigantic rock dick.
- NASA revealed that the flowing water streaks on Mars are from sand, not water
- Bureau of Land Management probably saved “disappointed” flat-earther’s life
- Japan has an amazing game show called Slippery Stairs
- Contact us at letsweekenders@gmail.com
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