On this week’s episode of Let’s Weekend: Cookie Dough is bad for you! Flynn pleads Guilty. And Skype hates us! That and a lot more, next!
- Intro
- What Are We Up To?
- F: Finished Artemis, feeling under the weather.
- P: GotY prep
- B: Stardew Valley, Unironically loving Vaporwave, salivating over XC2
- C: Westworld, Spider-Man HC, Horizon, MHO, Super Lucky’s Tale
- T: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, got Farfetch’d in PoGo, Assassin’s Creed Origins
- Brandon’s Random Factoid
- Assholes of the Week: Nine NYPD officers attempt to intimidate rape victim out of pressing charges
- Ass clown of the Week: Trump disavows Access Hollywood tape he already acknowledged
- Hero of the Week: This is the first woman with down syndrome to compete in a Miss USA State Pageant
- North Korea has best missile test to date, suggests they can hit all of US mainland
- Flynn fingers Kushner in Russia probe
- B: Flynn pled guilty this morning. I can now confidently say that Trump’s Doomsday is on the horizon.
- The Senate Tax Bill finally in senators’ hands and it’s full of chicken scratch
- Trump admin wants to privatize our intelligence/covert ops with Montana company
- Nazi profiled by New York Times lost job, home as a result
- Independent review of Charlottesville Nazi rally shows that police shit the bed
- Michigan AG candidate’s campaign video suggests voting for somebody w/o a penis
- The Dictionary.com word of the year is “Complicit”
- Apple’s High Sierra MacOS has a really bad exploit allowing anyone to hack it easily
- Weird glitch allowed all American Airlines pilots to schedule vacations during Xmas
- China has a giant graveyard for bikes after bike sharing boom has busted
- Eight donkeys jailed in India for eating expensive plants
- Calgary art installation found to be using fraudulently-obtained pics of UK comedians
- Bad News: Cookie dough may be bad for you due to E. coli from uncooked flour
- Alabama’s basketball team had to play 3-on-5 against Minnesota after many ejections
- Tennessee Football fans use Penn State Sandusky hearsay to get rid of new hire
- 14 year old chef with brain tumor hosting travelling adventure food show w/Chef Roc
- Danish PM offers Indonesian Pres. Jokowi a gift of Metallica vinyl of Master of Puppets
- At least 215 well-preserved Pterosaur eggs discovered in NW China
- Sesame Street did a Stranger Things parody called “Sharing Things”
- Stranger Things renewed for Season 3
- Marvel’s new EIC wrote a bunch of Japanese-style books for them under a pseudonym
- Our first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War is out now
- Contact us at letsweekenders@gmail.com
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