On this episode of Let’s Weekend: President Trump may be going to North Korea. Coke launches an alcoholic soda in Japan. Roy Moore is broke. Plus a few fun entertainment stories. That and more, up next!
3/9/2018 Show Notes
- Intro
- What Are We Up To?
- F: Battlefield Earth, Site things, Blurays
- P: Disease.
- B: XC2, more Netflix fun, Nyquil! 😀
- C: The Flash, DBZ Kai, Ghost Recon, Mafia III
- Brandon’s Random Factoid
- Asshole of the Week: Martin Shkreli sentenced to 7 years in prison for securities fraud
- Heroes of the Week: Philando Castile charity has paid off lunch debts at 56 schools
- 2018 so far: The POTUS is being sued by a porn actress over a poorly-written NDA
- Trump’s going to meet with NK leader Kim Jong Un about denuclearization
- The organizer of the Fyre Festival plead guilty to wire fraud
- Sam Nunberg sure had a hell of a week after getting a subpoena from Robert Mueller
- Roy Moore’s broke and is begging for money on Facebook to pay for his legal defense
- Amazon Echo devices are randomly laughing at people
- Caliburger has the world’s first burger-flipping robot working its grills
- New Sonic burger is being praised by environmentalists
- Coke is launching an alcoholic soda in Japan, which is their first alcoholic drink
- Dutch flying car appeared at the Geneva motor show
- Toys R Us might have to close up the rest of its stores if no bankruptcy plan surfaces
- Pepe the Frog creator is suing InfoWars for copyright infringement
- That Weinstein Company sale is apparently not going through now due to debt lies
- John Williams is done with Star Wars after Episode IX
- Tommy Wiseau revealed “Scary Love,” his next movie
- We got our first look at Mary Poppins Returns in this teaser trailer
- Contact us at letsweekenders@gmail.com
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