On this week’s episode of Let’s Weekend: What is going on in Virginia lately? Uranus is having some odd, but cool looking weather. The OPP are looking for Mr. Sexy. And Netflix signs a deal with Gwynyth Paltro for some reason.
2/8/2019 Show Notes
- Intro
- What Are We Up To?
- F: Finished Bobiverse book 1, More Doom stuff, waiting on DOA.
- P: Stormblood (DRG, NIN, SAM at 70, DRK 58 and counting)
- B: KH3, Apex Legends, reading, birthday
- C: Kimmy Schmidt, Russian Doll, Phantasy Star, DG2
- Brandon’s Random Factoid
- Assholes of the Week: Whatever the hell is going on in Virginia:
- Hero of the Week: AOC brilliantly explains how broken campaign finance laws are
- AOC and Senator Ed Markey introduced their Green New Deal
- Liam Neeson revealed he once looked for random black person to kill after friend’s rape
- Rapper 21 Savage arrested by ICE for being a UK citizen with expired visa w/no bail
- Hawaii’s looking to increase the minimum to purchase cigarettes to 100 by 2024
- Jeff Bezos claims National Enquirer tried to blackmail him over dick pics
- The Earth may lose its blue color in 80 years due to climate change
- Ontario Police are looking for Mr. Sexy after siezing stolen plates from speeding teen
- New Zealand scientists are looking for the owner of a USB stick they found in seal poop
- Sometimes Patrick finds weird shit at work. Today was one of those times.
- Uranus looks weird right now
- The Oscars officially won’t have a host this year
- WB’s working on Aquaman spin-off horror movie about The Trench
- Netflix signs deal with shitty Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop for a docuseries
- Netflix adds more Ted Bundy content after documentary’s success
- We got a trailer for Taika Waititi’s FX show “What We Do in the Shadows”
- Contact us at letsweekenders@gmail.com
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