On this week’s episode of Let’s Weekend: Hollywood execs can be totally sleezy. Shakespeare was kind of filthy. Plus there’s a hole in the Antarctic, dear Liza, dear Liza.
10/13/2017 Show Notes
- Intro
- What Are We Up To?
- F: Audiobooks, Forbidden Planet, Guardians Vol 2, Forza 7
- B: Sakura Wars, books, enjoying cool weather.
- T: Adulting, Mr. Robot, FFXIV
- C: DB Super, Minecraft, Metroid, PSVR, Youtubin’
- Brandon’s Random Factoid
- Assholes of the Week: Harvey Weinstein and other execs outed for rape/harassment
- Hero of the Week: Many of Harvey Weinstein’s victims speak out
- Weinstein Company removes Harvey’s name from all series, looks to change name
- SNL’s classy cold open with Jason Aldean performing “Won’t Back Down” Tribute
- Pence wastes $250k for flight to an NFL to stage a walkout when players took a knee
- Eminem tears Trump a new one in his Hip Hop Awards cypher
- ESPN suspends Jemele Hill for two weeks after tweeting about how to protest NFL
- Boy Scouts to start admitting girls to its ranks
- Time magazine getting smaller circulation, SI/EW/Fortune doing fewer issues/year
- Dove released weird whitewashing ad and pulls it after obvious complaints
- Extinct Tree Lobster insects found to not be so extinct after recent rediscovery
- The first dwarf planet found to host a ring system in Haumea
- Mysterious hole opens up in Antarctica for first time in over 40 years
- About $1.8 million of gold passes through Switzerland’s wastewater every year
- Reptar Bars and Cereal are now real
- Breaking Bad fans force owners of the White house to install fence to keep them out
- Martin Scorsese criticizes Rotten Tomatoes, box office reports and their influence
- Sony wants to make Settlers of Catan movie
- Supermarket Sweep is coming back to TV
- Batman: The Animated Series is getting remastered on Blu-ray in 2018
- Trailer for Netflix’s remake of Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It out now
- The first trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi is out!
- Contact us at letsweekenders@gmail.com
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