Author: patrickm


Patrick Sounds Off: Failure To Launch

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 31 Dec 2022

Ninth-gen platforms have a relevancy problem. They just don’t have a discernible identity from their predecessors because virtually all of their games are shared with them. Now that supply woes can’t be used as an excuse, let’s address this.

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Patrick Sounds Off: The Day That Changed Everything

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 30 Dec 2022

The Dreamcast brought me to the very quick decision that I would never miss another system launch if I could help it. I had no idea what I was walking into the very next year.

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Patrick Sounds Off: 9/9/99

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 29 Dec 2022

As a gamer, you’ll have experiences that you immediately know will be foundational memories and formative moments. You’ll always look back on them and you’ll always be informed by them. Join me as I reflect on one of the biggest…

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Patrick Sounds Off: What I Really Think of Nintendo 64

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 29 Dec 2022

I had a reputation back in the day of being pretty solidly anti-Nintendo. What I really wanted was a return to form that, thankfully, eventually, did arrive. They say time heals all wounds, but has it done anything for my…

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Patrick Sounds Off: Let’s Not Do That Again

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off PlayStation 5 Videos Xbox Series X | 0 Comments | 24 Dec 2022

Scalpers have made the first two years of PS5 and Xbox Series an even bigger mess than they would have been with the pandemic and the subsequent supply chain interruptions. With Nintendo Switch Pro rumors abound, let’s not waste any…

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Patrick Sounds Off: “OK Boomer” Redux

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 23 Dec 2022

We’re taking way too much criticism for the things that give us a little bit of joy in life, and that criticism is pregnant with hypocrisy and jealousy.

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Patrick Sounds Off: Is it Time to Switch Up?

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Nintendo Switch Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 21 Dec 2022

Rumors abound that Nintendo is getting ready to move on from the Switch with some high-profile games starting to show some considerable performance problems. Allow me to dump some cold water on all the talk…

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Patrick Sounds Off: Showing the Switch Some Love

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Nintendo Switch Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 20 Dec 2022

I’ve been rough on Nintendo lately, but don’t let that confuse you from the historically amazing run the Switch is giving them.

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Patrick Sounds Off: Surveying the Compatibility Line

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 19 Dec 2022

Not long ago, I released a video explaining why long-term game ownership is in a bad way, while things released on eighth-gen consoles and beyond should be pretty well futureproofed. I referred to this as the “Compatibility Line” – but…

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Patrick Sounds Off: Is Smash Bros’ Future in the Fighting Genre?

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Nintendo Switch Nintendo Wii U Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 17 Dec 2022

Because a genre is not what you do, but how you do it, Super Smash Bros is not a fighting game. I have maintained this position for over two decades. However, could that be changing?

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Patrick Sounds Off: The Rules of Contextual Game Design

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Retro | 0 Comments | 15 Dec 2022

If you’re trying to develop a certain type of game, it’s important to identify your priorities and put them in line with any games you might be trying to line up with.

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Patrick Sounds Off: A Brief Commentary on Genres

author image by Patrick Mifflin | Patrick Sounds Off Videos | 0 Comments | 13 Dec 2022

A theme is what you’re doing. A genre is how you’re doing it. (Disclaimer: This video is originally from 2016.)

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