Super Metroid for the Wii U is this week's featured game on SmashPad Streamkend.
This week's SmashPad Streamkend is going to feature Super Metroid, which is currently available on the Wii U's Virtual Console. This may be a blasphemous thing to admit, but Super Metroid is a game that I never played as a kid. I was a stupid kid back then, but with the current $0.30 sale on Super Metroid on the Wii U, I can rectify that mistake and play a game that is widely considered one of the best games ever made. Being a big fan of some of the games that it has influenced, like Shadow Complex and Guacamelee!, I figured that this was a game that I needed to play. It helps that nothing came out this week to give me the opportunity to play something old for once.
With no Ouya yet, my options for games to play this week dwindled greatly until I figured out what to feature a few minutes ago. June should be a little bit better as we approach E3 with more notable games to play. The June 1 show should feature Fuse from Insomniac Games and June 8 will probably be Capcom's Remember Me. June 15 will likely be a wildcard show with nothing sticking out at the moment. June 22 will probably be New Super Luigi U, which is the big expansion that will be out for New Super Mario Bros. U on the Wii U.
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