Category: E3 2015


ATWAR: The Changing Climate, Calming the Coming Storm, and the Rising AVALANCHE.

author image by Ted Dedon | E3 2015 Features | 0 Comments | 21 Jun 2015

#SaveShenmue and the Rise of the Shenmuenista A lot has happened in the last week. Whether you are a gamer or non-gamer numerous events have entered the cultural consciousness, for better and for worse. For gamers, E3 has wrapped up and, in…

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[E3 2015] Nintendo Digital Event Synopsis and Reflections

author image by Danreb Victorio | Articles E3 2015 Features Nintendo 3DS Nintendo Wii U | 0 Comments | 18 Jun 2015 Miss out on Nintendo’s Digital Event? Well, it was considerably shorter than all the other ones, so you can watch it here.  Otherwise, we’ll go over it for you.

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[E3 2015] forma.8 Hands-On

author image by Danreb Victorio | E3 2015 Nintendo Wii U Previews | 0 Comments | 18 Jun 2015

  A lot of games these days feel it necessary to explain themselves, whether or not it’s something truly important or appropriate.  This same thing goes on at trade shows and conventions at E3. Thanks to nindies@home, Nintendo is giving…

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[E3 2015] “RIVE” Hands-On

author image by Danreb Victorio | E3 2015 Nintendo Wii U Previews | 0 Comments | 16 Jun 2015

One of the games Nintendo seems to be really pushing is the indie title RIVE, developed by Two Tribes, and it’s shaping up to be a challenging and enjoyable ride.

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Shenmue 3 reaches its Kickstarter goal in less than 24 hours, stretch goals expected

author image by Danreb Victorio | Articles E3 2015 PC PlayStation 4 Reviews | 0 Comments | 16 Jun 2015

I don’t think anybody expected this.  With rumors fumbling and bumbling around Los Angeles before the first official day of the Electronic Entertainment Expo, Sony went and made two megaton announcements with the potential to break the internet… twice.

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[E3 2015] Sony’s Press Conference Synopsis

author image by Danreb Victorio | E3 2015 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation Vita | 0 Comments | 16 Jun 2015

Right on the heels of Microsoft’s impressive press conference was Sony’s just a few hours later.  With the company continuing their stronghold leading the industry in hardware sales, it was very possible that Sony’s press conference would be full of…

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[E3 2015] Microsoft’s Press Conference Synopsis

author image by Alex Quevedo | E3 2015 PC Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 16 Jun 2015

Monday morning, Microsoft led off the press conference for E3 2015. The general consensus appeared favorable. Microsoft themselves claimed multiple times that this is their strongest lineup in Xbox history. Let’s take a look!

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[E3 2015] “Typoman” Hands-On

author image by Danreb Victorio | E3 2015 Nintendo Wii U Previews | 0 Comments | 15 Jun 2015

While E3 has always been about heavy hitters, every year there are some indie games that catch my eye.  I’m a sucker for some of these abstract titles, so I definitely had to have my hands on Typoman, a sidescrolling…

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Watch the Microsoft E3 Press Conference Right Here!

author image by Chris Selogy | E3 2015 PC Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 15 Jun 2015

Here is Microsoft’s E3 2015 Press Conference. Senior Editor Alex Quevedo covered the event here.

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Shrapnel: Mother, Forklifts, and Spiky Hair

author image by Filippo Dinolfo | E3 2015 Features | 0 Comments | 15 Jun 2015

Nintendo launches Mother 1 on Virtual Console. Yu Suzuki teases Shenmue III. Final Fantasy VII Remake Confirmed!?

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Watch Bethesda’s E3 Press Conference Right Here!

author image by Chris Selogy | E3 2015 PC PlayStation 4 Shows Steam Xbox One | 0 Comments | 14 Jun 2015

Tune in at 6:45 PM PT/9:45 PM ET to see what Bethesda has to show with their E3 press conference.

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