Category: Android


Amazon acquires Double Helix, “Firebox” getting ready to Ignite?

author image by Filippo Dinolfo | Android Articles Features Mobile | 0 Comments | 06 Feb 2014

Online retail giant, Amazon, just announced the acquisition of Killer Instinct developer Double Helix Games. This isn’t Amazon’s first foray into gaming, however. Amazon Game Studios was formed in 2012, but so far the only thing to come of that…

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SmashPad Streamkend with Ouya – July 6 at 2 PM EST

author image by Chris Selogy | Android Videos | 0 Comments | 06 Jul 2013

This week on SmashPad Streamkend, the Ouya gets the spotlight.

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Taking a Look at Ouya

author image by Chris Selogy | Android Features Videos | 0 Comments | 31 May 2013

With my new Ouya arriving this past weekend, I'm taking you on a tour of the Ouya's interface before playing a few games. Look for this to be a reoccuring feature leading up to and after the launch.

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