Category: Previews


Comic Con 2014 Hands-On: “Fenix Rage”

author image by Alex Quevedo | Comic Con 2014 PlayStation 4 Previews Steam Xbox One | 0 Comments | 29 Jul 2014

If somebody came into your town and froze it over, you’d be a little ticked off, right? I would be, unless it was Elsa from Frozen because come on (that could just be me, though). But in the case of…

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Comic Con 2014 Hands-On: “Fantasia: Music Evolved”

author image by Alex Quevedo | Comic Con 2014 Previews Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 25 Jul 2014

When it comes to the entertainment industry, Disney has always been one of the absolute best when it comes to music. They have some of the most memorable soundtracks and their Fantasia films have proved to be great. Another Fantasia…

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Comic Con 2014 Hands-On: “Sunset Overdrive”

author image by Alex Quevedo | Comic Con 2014 Previews Xbox One | 0 Comments | 25 Jul 2014

We haven’t made it much of a secret around SmashPad: we’re pretty excited for Sunset Overdrive. It’s one of our most desired games for 2014 and at San Diego Comic Con, I got my hands on a few rounds of…

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Comic Con 2014 Hands-On: “Alien Isolation”

author image by Alex Quevedo | Articles Comic Con 2014 Console PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Previews Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 25 Jul 2014

The Alien franchise hasn’t had the most consistent of gaming results. There have been some shinier spots, but most have hovered around muddled to poor. Alien Isolation, though, has been impressive since its debut trailer released in January 2014.

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Checking in with Destiny Beta (PS4) – 7/17/2014

author image by Chris Selogy | PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Previews Videos Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 25 Jul 2014

I took a look at the new beta for Destiny to see what’s new with this early version of the new Bungie game.

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Games With Gold Preview for July 2014 – Part 1

author image by Chris Selogy | Previews Videos Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 08 Jul 2014

With the first half of July upon us, I take a look at the three games available for Games With Gold for Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners until July 15.

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E3 2014 Hands-On: “Destiny”

author image by Filippo Dinolfo | E3 2014 PlayStation 4 Previews | 0 Comments | 16 Jun 2014

Bungie is well known for their first person shooters. The Marathon series was regarded as one of the better shooter franchises of the early ’90’s. They’re also fairly well known for the Myth strategy game series, and they’ve done a…

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Checking In with Battlefield Hardline Beta (PS4) – 6/13/2014

author image by Chris Selogy | E3 2014 PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Previews Videos Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 15 Jun 2014

Although its existence was one of the worst-kept secrets of E3 this year, EA at least managed to get people’s attention with the announcement during their press conference that the beta for Battlefield Hardline would start right then for the…

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Checking In with Destiny Alpha (PS4) – 6/13/2014

author image by Chris Selogy | E3 2014 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Previews Videos Xbox 360 Xbox One | 0 Comments | 15 Jun 2014

One of the biggest announcements at E3 for the people at home was not only that the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 beta for Destiny would begin on July 17, but that there would also be a first look alpha…

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E3 2014 Hands-On: “Super Smash Bros.” (3DS)

author image by Danreb Victorio | E3 2014 Nintendo 3DS Previews | 0 Comments | 14 Jun 2014

This fall, Super Smash Bros. makes its debut on a handheld system, and its developers were quick to point out that you shouldn’t a handheld slouch here, as this experience should be everybody as good as the game is on…

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E3 2014 Hands-On: “Super Smash Bros.” (Wii U)

author image by Danreb Victorio | E3 2014 Nintendo Wii U Previews | 0 Comments | 14 Jun 2014

It goes without saying.  Super Smash Bros. is definitely on the top of most Wii U owners’ holiday wishlists.  And why wouldn’t it?  It features Nintendo’s beloved gaming mascots and a handful of third party characters fighting to the death….

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E3 2014 Preview: “Sunset Overdrive”

author image by Danreb Victorio | E3 2014 Previews Xbox One | 0 Comments | 12 Jun 2014

Since its unveiling at E3 last year, Sunset Overdrive has certainly received quite a bit of attention.  Is it because of its vibrant color?  Is it because of the stunning parkout?  Maybe it’s because of its zany weaponry.  It’s really…

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